Principal's Desk
“The greatest gift which we can give to our children is roots of responsibility and wings of freedom”.
I strongly feel that education is the most powerful tool for the personal and social transformation and national development. Education can overcome all the hurdles and obstacles in the path of sincere and dedicated individual. Nothing can be achieved unless and until a goal is set. A positive attitude and willing heart always take an individual towards the path of success.
As a head of the Institute, my first duty is to inculcate the importance and value of education in each student’s heart and bring maximum students in the fold of education.
In this techno savvy era, students are always one step ahead of their teachers, so it is essential for teachers to remain updated. I strongly believe that teaching is a noble profession, of which we have made a choice. So I motivate teachers to remain updated by attending seminars and workshops and also appreciate them for good performance.
As a captain, I owe a big responsibility towards the well being and comfort of all students and employees which includes teaching, non-teaching and class IV staff. I am also responsible for the reputation of the Institution and my every step counts. For the teaching staff, I strive to provide good working environment for quality results and I wish to be a good model to my staff.