View Online Admission

Candidate Name: Pandey shaswat rakesh kumar Application Number: GNHSGTB23241814
Student Name: Shaswat Surname: Pandey
Gender: Male 05-03-2007
Father Name: Rakesh Mother Name: Suman
Religion: Hindu Caste Category: Open Sports Category: Not Applicable Mother Tongue: Hindi
Physically challenged / Handicap: No Aadhaar Card Number: 3771 8773 5487
Contact Number 1: 9920109219 Contact Number 2: 9326840843 Email Address: Alternate Email Address:
Local Address Line 1: Room no.003 ground floor bldg no.7 sagardeep Local Address Line 2:
Local City: Mumbai Local Pincode: 400037 Local State: Maharashtra Local Country: India
Native Address Line 1: Native Address Line 2:
Native City: Native Pincode: Native State: Native Country:
Parents/Guardian Name: Suman pandey Parents/Guardian Relationship with Student: Son Parents/Guardian Occupation: House wife
Parents/Guardian Mobile Number: 9920109219 Parents/Guardian Office Telephone Number:
Parents/Guardian office Address Line 1: Parents/Guardian Office Address Line 2:
Parents/Guardian Office City: Parents/Guardian Office Pincode: Parents/Guardian Office State: Parents/Guardian Office Country:
Admission for Standard: XI Admission for Stream: Science
Minority: Not Applicable Management Quota: No In-house: Yes

Online Registration (Form 1) Details:

Application number Registered Mobile Number as per Form 1 Alternate Mobile Number Application Round
MU232001626 9920109219 9326840813 Round 0

Academic Details

Standard School Name Board Examination Year of Passing Seat No. Marks Percentage
Obtained Marks Out of Marks
X Guru nanak high school Maharashtra 2023 A242522 324.00 500.00 64.80


Compulsory Subjects Optional Subjects
English Hindi and Biology & Sociology
Physical Education

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